Help Center


Free on line help and support is available during our working hours to active subscribers.

FAQ 24 x 7

Frequently asked Questions (FAQ) section of our site provides you the flexibility of searching the topic and locate your desired answer.

Downloadable Manuals 24 x 7

Instascripts Help Manuals are in the HTML or PDF format and are available for viewing online or download for later offline use. These manuals provide a detailed description of the functionality of various Instascripts modules with screen snapshots and examples. This facility is available to active subscribers only who are eligible.

Telephone Support

Telephone support is available only to active subscribers of Instascripts or Instascripts, to partners and members between the working hours of Monday through Friday, i.e. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm or as per working days and hours of our offices in various regions.
The Support phone number is provided to you at the time of the registration. Contact your local support office. (New Delhi-India, Dubai-UAE or New Jersey-USA).

Post an Issue

Active users of Instascripts can post a support request through the Instascripts Support Portal using their login credentials.